Sunday, February 22, 2009

Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. 1. The Pledge 2. The Turn 3. The Prestige.

The Pledge
This is my first post so ill do that whole pledge bullshit with my hand on the bible or what not.
Or not. All that i'll say is that everythign you read, think of it as if I was talking to you. This isn't going to be some piece of literary genius, but if it did become a classic, I'd totally be chill with that. Oh yeah, for those you who cringe when you see/read/hear swear words - you're in for a whole bunch of shieett. P.S. There are going to be A LOT of reviews. This post is a review, if you already hadn't figured that out.

The Turn

According to the The Prestige, I'm supposed to make something ordinary do something extraordinary. Soo...

Ordinary =
Extraordinary(I didnt look good in the batman picture) =

The Prestige
Alright since I'm reviewing things, you'd probably guess that I'd review Star Wars or Batman first. Well...gotcha! I reviewed those two in the wonderful land of Facebook and its movies application (which no one can use anymore because of the new (a.k.a shitty) design and layout).
Ok back to the review part.
For starters, this movie HAS to be awesome just because it has Wolverine, Batman, Alfred (Bruce Wayne's butler for you uneducated people), Gollum/KingKong, and that hot chick that made out with that other hot chick in that weird foreign (I think?) film Vicky Christina Barcelona (it sounds foreign). I have actually never seen Hugh Jackman (Wolverine for those of you who live in a antimutant community) in a film other than the X-men trilogy, so watching him be not angry (and badass) felt kinda weird. And Christian Bale. For those of you who play truth or dare with me, you know what I'm thinking right now. I really can't see him doing anything other than Bruce Wayne, and it felt weird for the first half hour or so, but once I got used to it, I saw how good he really is at acting. Every single actor does their job perfectly, and within second i was deeply engrossed in the ludicrous plotline (well the magic part seems hella sketch if you think about it). The basic storyline goes like Borden and Angier (Bale and Jackman respectively) are partners as magicians. Cutter (Caine) is their mastermind. Borden is a talented magician while Angier is the showman. Together, they make the ultimate team of magicians. After a trick goes wrong, and someone dies, they split up - Borden vs. Angier + Cutter. This movie is about obsession, obsession, obsession and even more obsession. Oh and there's a few secrets here and there and a few magic tricks, and oh did I mention obsession? It's creepy when you think how far these dudes go to get what they want, but it makes sense. Their reasons are typically legit. Notice typically. And I had one little problem with the movie - Hugh Jackman had an American accent. Everyone's supposed to be Britisih, and everyone has British accents, but Jackman DOESN'T. Otherwise, this movie was grr-8. Ha i'm quite funny huh. As for a grade, I'm going to give it 8 stars. Out of 8 stars. "Whoa he can't do that!" Well I just did. My reviews are out of 8 stars. so there can be .125 stars. suck on that Roger Ebert. Anyone that has patience should watch it. (Yeah that means you can't watch it Surabhi.) It actually makes you think and it makes you feel at the same time. Hard to do that nowadays with crap like Lost on TV fucking with your head every ten seconds you watch. Yeah i said it. I dont like Lost as much as the rest of the world. They just keep on shitting out new ideas and throwing it onto some island. Next thing you know, Elvis Presley, Tupac Shakur and Jimi Hendrix all live on the Island and are part of the Others. It was their vacation retreat spot but the island somehow fucking moved. I dunno that whole show is too far up some nerd's ass. Anyways -

The Prestige - 8 out of 8 stars

P.S. The Academy Awards are on tonight 5:30 pm on ABC. And guess who's hosting!