Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Continuing the movie reviews from yesterday. I'm bored out of my mind at home. All I do is play video games and even that is becoming a pain in the ass. Mr. Hicks and I talked about my absence from the call of duty, and it's largely because of douchecadets who think they're gangster talking about weed and dank and super cool things like that. I like to have normal conversations, possibly even game-related conversations =O during my time in moderwarfare2. For now, I have a random obsession with Final Fantasy XII on the ps2. going old school. maybe i'll sneak in some cod tonight too...if no "potheads" are online.

So Invictus was a movie I really wanted to watch in theaters. Didn't really happen since I barely get to leave my house for anything these days...even school. So basically I was expecting some ridiculous acting chops and I wasn't disappointed. Yet I also was expecting some racial violence, including some kind of death. But nope! This is the super feel good movie. Honestly, I don't even remember a single evil person, even the racist dad becomes a sane man. Matt Damon's accent was kind of weird, just like it was in The Departed, but what are you gonna do. I'm just used to the whole Ocean's and Bourne American accents. Morgan Freeman talked slower than a snail but it did Mandela justice. I really didn't know much about Mandela, and I never did the whole Apartheid thing in sophomore lit, so I had wiki the basic history of it all -__-

7 out of 8 stars

Oh Taxi Driver. How disturbing of a movie you were. Yet so freaking AWESOME. This was like the inner superhero in every single dude. I would never approve of such rash actions, even though they were prettttty badass and somewhat deserving. Supposedly the guy that tried to assassinate Reagan was trying to impress the Jodie Foster from this movie, and attempted a real "taxi driver". Bunch of mentals my god. But movie making wise this was brilliant - I don't understand how Scorsese gets jipped by the Academy sooo many times in his life. He deserved it for this, Goodfellas, and Raging Bull along with the Departed but man, he must've done something really bad to piss them off so much.

8 out of 8 stars

Okay I'm just gonna do two reviews a day. I wanna go back into FinalFantasy land!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

...And We're Back!

Well more like I'm back. After almost a year. But I just wanted to make the Eminem reference. Go check out the song. We're Back by Eminem ft. (a ridiculous amount of people that I don't wanna go check up on. I know Fiddy's in it). So anyways I changed the title of the blog because the old one was quite offensive if you figured it out (iF you SEE oKay - think about it). Now patient shepard is my tribal chief name from boy scouts. Yeah, me being patient? Wtf? I don't know how they gave me that name. I was going for something related to Jedi. I guess this is the closest "nature-y" name they could get to it. Shepard's spelled incorrectly because of Mass Effect for all you 360 owners out there. You know what I mean.

Alright so I've watched a ridiculous amount of movies in the past couple of weeks, mainly because I've got nothing better to do as a second semester senior. I really should get around to doing homework but meh whatevs as the cool kids say.

If you look to the right of this, there's a top 9 list for 2009 movies. Why 9? Because it only allowed 9 in the program. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. So here are reasons as to why those movies specifically (I'll only do the top 2 for now):

1. The Hurt Locker
"War is a drug." This quote completely covers the essence of the Hurt Locker, and the reasons as to why Lt. James finds pleasure in doing such a risky job when he has a family to look after, as well as a team that depend on his judgment. This may be mindblowing, but I seriously think I liked this movie more than I liked The Dark Knight. Yes, it's possible. This movie just blew me away - it's got the action-driven sequences for the adrenaline junkie movie goers, plus true heart and character exploration. For some odd reason I was able to relate to a soldier who just wants his "adrenaline-fix" when serving. Props to Jeremy Renner for making the most believable soldier in any movie I've ever seen. He better get the Best Actor Oscar. The sniper sequence was one of the best done "ghillie in the mist" scenarios I've ever seen. I was actually tripping balls during that, because even Voldemort died there (trying not to spoil the plot). This movie is deep, intense, and straight-up badass at times, making this the one good Iraq movie that I've seen.
8 out of 8 stars

2. Star Trek
If you know me, you know I was all-out-balls out crazy for this movie when it came out. It was everything the prequel trilogy of Star Wars was supposed to me. J.J. Abrams has openly said that he's more of a Star Wars fan than he is a Trekkie, and it shows in the movie. Nearly every single scene can be referenced back to Star Wars - i.e. When Kirk looks up at the starship that's cut straight from Luke Skywalker looking into the horizon. Admiral Pike = Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kirk's dad dies honorably - Anakin Skywalker was "one of the greatest Jedi"; just all sorts of Star Wars mixed into it. Also, Chris Pine as Kirk was one of the best acting choices I've ever seen. Zachary Quinto as Spock was good too, but how in god's name did he get Uhura? I wanted Kirk to get that. Oh well. This should have been nominated for best picture at the Oscars, just like The Dark Knight should have. Tch tch.
8 out of 8 stars

Now I HAVE to talk about Inglourious Basterds.
Three words - What. The. Fuck.
I honestly don't know what the point of that movie was. I wasted a good 2 and a half hours on this garbage that some critics call a "masterpiece". Quentin Tarantino is one messed up guy. There were some good scenes here and there, and some acting was done quite well (Christopher Waltz and Brad Pitt). But I hate how his films seem episodic, like a TV show. It lacks cohesion, the overall plot is ridiculous, even more so than you would think. This shouldn't even be nominated for Best Picture.
4 out of 8 stars.

So I've got a LOT of movies that I'll be reviewing. Here's me looking into the future reviews with my Jedi powers:
The Hangover
Taxi Driver
Gangs of New York