Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Continuing the movie reviews from yesterday. I'm bored out of my mind at home. All I do is play video games and even that is becoming a pain in the ass. Mr. Hicks and I talked about my absence from the call of duty, and it's largely because of douchecadets who think they're gangster talking about weed and dank and super cool things like that. I like to have normal conversations, possibly even game-related conversations =O during my time in moderwarfare2. For now, I have a random obsession with Final Fantasy XII on the ps2. going old school. maybe i'll sneak in some cod tonight too...if no "potheads" are online.

So Invictus was a movie I really wanted to watch in theaters. Didn't really happen since I barely get to leave my house for anything these days...even school. So basically I was expecting some ridiculous acting chops and I wasn't disappointed. Yet I also was expecting some racial violence, including some kind of death. But nope! This is the super feel good movie. Honestly, I don't even remember a single evil person, even the racist dad becomes a sane man. Matt Damon's accent was kind of weird, just like it was in The Departed, but what are you gonna do. I'm just used to the whole Ocean's and Bourne American accents. Morgan Freeman talked slower than a snail but it did Mandela justice. I really didn't know much about Mandela, and I never did the whole Apartheid thing in sophomore lit, so I had wiki the basic history of it all -__-

7 out of 8 stars

Oh Taxi Driver. How disturbing of a movie you were. Yet so freaking AWESOME. This was like the inner superhero in every single dude. I would never approve of such rash actions, even though they were prettttty badass and somewhat deserving. Supposedly the guy that tried to assassinate Reagan was trying to impress the Jodie Foster from this movie, and attempted a real "taxi driver". Bunch of mentals my god. But movie making wise this was brilliant - I don't understand how Scorsese gets jipped by the Academy sooo many times in his life. He deserved it for this, Goodfellas, and Raging Bull along with the Departed but man, he must've done something really bad to piss them off so much.

8 out of 8 stars

Okay I'm just gonna do two reviews a day. I wanna go back into FinalFantasy land!

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